2025 - Boys Spring Lacrosse
- Teams will practice 2-3 days a week.
- Practices are Mon/Wed/Fri
- Shortened field sideline to sideline with smaller 4’ x 4’ goal
- 6 v 6 (2 attack, 2 midfield, 2 defense. No goalies at this level)
- Teams play in a round robin format event on SMYLA Championship weekend with no champion declared
- Teams will practice 2-3 days a week.
- Practices are Mon/Wed/Fri
- Shortened field sideline to sideline with a smaller 4’ x 4’ goal
- 7 v 7 (2 attack, 2 midfield, 2 defense, 1 goalie)
- Teams play in SMYLA End-of-Year Championship event to determine U8 League Championship
- Teams will practice 3 days a week.
- Practices are Mon/Wed/Fri
- Full field. 7 v 7 Regulation goal
- Maintain standings. Use standings for seeding in the SMYLA Championship
- SMYLA Championship Event to determine U10 League Championship
- Teams will practice 3 days a week.
- Practices are Mon/Wed/Fri
- Full field. 10 v 10. Regulation goal
- Maintain standings. Use standings for seeding in the SMYLA Championship
- SMYLA Championship Event to determine U12 League Championship
- Teams will practice 3 days a week.
- Practices are Mon/Wed/Fri
- Full field. 10 v 10. Regulation goal
- Maintain standings. Use standings for seeding in the SMYLA Championship
- SMYLA Championship Event to determine U14 League Championship
Practices will be at
Fifth District Park (Lettie Dent Elementary School 37880 New Market Turner Road)
Chaptico Park (Turf Field 2) (26600 Budd's Creek Road Mechanicsville, MD 20659)
The league requirements for the 2025 Spring Season is based on players age as of September 1st.